Cereal Chem. 71:434-438 | VIEW
Determination of Wheat Proteins in Solution by Dye Binding in Flour, Dough, and Bread Crumb.
L. Eynard, N. Guerrieri, and P. Cerletti. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Color development by the Bradford reagent with soluble wheat proteins has been examined so as to allow an easy and reliable application. The range examined was 0.3-3.5 mg/ml of protein. Second-order regressions fully interpret the nonlinearity in the color response. The reasons for nonlinearity were investigated. Commercial gliadin, standard gluten, a water and an acid extract of wheat flour, and bovine serum albumin were assayed. The absorbance developed per unit weight differed. The spectral response depended on the polypeptide composition of the samples assayed. Dye binding proved to be a rapid and reliable technique for the routine assay of soluble proteins in wheat flour, in dough, and after baking. Data obtained is in full accordance with total nitrogen determinations.