Cereal Chem. 71:505-508 | VIEW
Influence of Dough-Making Conditions on the Concentration of Individual Sugars and Their Utilization During Fermentation.
J. Potus, A. Poiffait, and R. Drapron. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Experiments were performed using high-performance liquid chromatography for analysis of sugars during dough mixing and the Chopin rheofermentometer for gas production and dough height during dough fermentation. The maltose content of dough increased 47-fold and 59-fold, respectively, after 5 and 15 min of mixing. However, these results varied from one flour to another, according to their level of damaged starch. The maltose content was dependent upon the mixing time and speed and upon the level of exogenous alpha-amylase, whereas dough hydration and mixing temperature did not affect the final content of maltose. Without yeast, the fructose content of dough increased two- and three-fold after 5 and 15 min of mixing, respectively, owing to a fructosidase in the flour. With yeast, the fructose content of dough increased 6- and 10-fold after the same times of mixing, whereas the sucrose decreased to zero after 5 min of mixing. These last results are obviously related to the high invertase activity of yeast. During fermentation, the glucose content largely decreased compared to that of fructose because the former hexose is a preferred substrate for yeast. The available sugars do not seem to be a limiting factor of fermentation because further increase in maltose content between 10 and 15 min of mixing (or the addition of exogenous alpha-amylase) did not result in an increase of gas production during fermentation.