Cereal Chem. 71:509-512 | VIEW
Effect of Decorticated Sorghum Addition on the Rheological Properties of Wheat Tortilla Dough.
P. I. Torres, B. Ramirez-Wong, S. O. Serna-Saldivar, and L. W. Rooney. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Sorghum flour from decorticated kernels was tested at several replacement levels for wheat flour in a tortilla formula. Three types of decorticated sorghum flours with different particle size distribution were used: coarse (A), medium (B), and fine (C). Each sorghum flour replaced wheat flour at levels of 15 and 30%. Composite doughs were prepared according to mixing requirements. The amount of water required was defined by a modified farinograph procedure. The rheological properties of dough were determined using the uniaxial compression method. Maximum stress peak, stress during relaxation period, stress at a given strain, and dough viscosity increased when sorghum flour replaced 30% of wheat flour in wheat-sorghum doughs. Composite doughs containing sorghum flour with smaller particle size distribution had higher stress during relaxation and higher stress at a given strain, even though higher amounts of water were used for their preparation. Differences in consistency of the composite doughs were not detected with the farinograph procedure. However, differences in rheological properties were well detected with uniaxial compression tests.