Cereal Chem. 71:517-519 | VIEW
Note: Effect on Flour Quality from Inclusion of the Hordeum chilense Genome into the Genetic Background of Wheat.
J. B. Alvarez, J. M. Urbano, and L. M. Martin. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Hordeum chilense Roem. et Schulz. is a South American wild barley that has been used for the attainment of amphiploids with durum and bread wheats. These amphiploids, called tritordeums (times Tritordeum Ascherson et Graebner), have shown unique agronomic characteristics and potential breadmaking quality. The H. chilense genome in durum and bread wheats was studied in six durum and six bread wheats and in the hexa- and octoploid tritordeum lines derived from them. In general, the grain quality characteristics of tritordeums were inferior to those of the wheat parents. However, both hexa- and octoploid tritordeums exhibited flour quality characteristics similar to those of bread wheat but not to those of durum wheat. The effects of the Hch genome were greater in the absence of the D genome.