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Cereal Chem. 71:523-527   |  VIEW ARTICLE

Development of a High-Temperature-Dried Soft Wheat Pasta Supplemented with Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). I. Cooking Quality, Color, and Sensory Evaluation. C. J. Bergman, D. G. Gualberto, and C. W. Weber.

Cereal Chem. 71:523-527. High-temperature (HT) dried soft wheat pasta (SP) supplemented with 10, 20, and 30% cowpea meal (CM) was produced. Pasta with cowpea (CP) contained up to 30% more protein than did the SP. Ash reached a maximum of 1.3% in the 30% CP. After 10 min, the CP treatment's cooking loss decreased with additional CM, and the 30% CP had a cooked weight lower than that of the SP. CM addition improved pasta color scores and integrity during cooking, and breakage decreased during storage. No difference in acceptability was found between samples made with CP and 100% wheat. Results demonstrate that HT drying and CM addition can overcome some of the constraints of using soft wheat flour in pasta production.  

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