Cereal Chem. 71:69-75 | VIEW
Enzyme-Resistant Starch in Yellow Layer Cake.
P.-Y. Lin, Z. Czuchajowska, and Y. Pomeranz. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Enzyme-resistant starch (RS) from amylomaize VII starch replaced up to 50% of the total shortening (40 parts per 100 parts of flour) and up to 15% of the flour in a yellow layer cake. Starch gelatinization and melting of the amylose-lipid complex, as determined by differential scanning calorimetry, were delayed by a high concentration (100 parts per 100 parts of flour) of sugar in the cake batter. The melting temperature for RS was also raised by the high concentration of sugar. The endothermic peak for melting of RS was decreased by the limiting amount of water in the cake system. In cakes in which RS replaced 15% of the flour, no significant effects were recorded on physical characteristics (specific gravity of batter, cake weight and volume, water activity, moisture, and softness [determined by a compression test]) and scanning electron microscopy pictures. Cake batters containing shortening and RS incorporated similar amounts of air, but the air cell numbers decreased as increasing levels of shortening were replaced by RS. As the level of shortening replacement increased, cake crumb became more compact. A high degree of shortening replacement also reduced the volume and firmed the cake. However, when RS was used at a low replacement level (12.5%), yellow layer cake quality was improved. RS in the cake batter or cake crumb could be detected in samples in which 50% of the shortening was replaced by RS.