Cereal Chem. 71:578-581 | VIEW
Evaluation of Starch Damage Values Determined Enzymatically or Amperometrically.
D. E. Rogers, J. A. Gelroth, J. M. Langemeier, and G. S. Ranhotra. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Damaged starch values were determined in six commercially produced flours (three each from hard winter and soft wheats) using two enzymatic methods and a modified rapid iodometric method. All flours were intentionally damaged with a ball mill for varying lengths of time, or with additional passes through reduction rolls. For the hard and soft wheat flours, respectively, the damaged starch values averaged 11.7 and 7.4% by the reducing sugar determination (AACC Method 76-30A); 7.2 and 4.7% by the spectrophotometric method (AACC Method 76-31); and 9.6 and 7.4% by the Chopin Rapid Flour Test method. High degrees of correlation were observed between the Chopin electric current (Ec) and the reducing sugars determination (r = 0.94) or the spectrophotometric method (r = 0.95). Those correlations improved slightly when hard and soft wheat flours were analyzed separately, or when the data were analyzed with quadratic equations. Eliminating the ball-milled samples from consideration also improved most of the correlations between Ec and the enzymatic methods. Therefore, the Chopin electric current value can be used as an appropriate indicator of flour starch damage.