Cereal Chem. 71:623-626 | VIEW
Properties of Granular Cold-Water-Soluble Starches Prepared by Alcoholic-Alkaline Treatments.
J. Chen and J. Jane. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Granular cold-water-soluble (GCWS) starches were prepared from normal maize, Hylon V (HA5), Hylon VII (HA7), and waxy maize starches by treating the starches with mixtures of ethanol and NaOH solutions at a controlled temperature. No Maltese crosses appeared when the GCWS starches prepared by these treatments were examined under polarized-light microscopy, which indicated changes of crystalline structures. Gel-permeation chromatography analyses of the GCWS starches were identical with those of their native starch counterparts, which indicated there was no detectable degradation of starch molecules during the preparation. The treated GCWS starches showed V-type X-ray diffraction patterns for normal maize, HA5, and HA7 starches; the GCWS waxy maize starch pattern was amorphous. The GCWS starches showed fully swollen granules when dispersed in cold water and exhibited approximately 70-90% cold- water solubility. Most of the GCWS starches displayed higher viscosities and better freeze- thaw stabilities than those of their native starch counterparts.