Cereal Chem. 71:99-105 | VIEW
Dietary Fiber Content and Composition in Home-Prepared and Commercially Baked Products: Analysis and Prediction.
N. W. Vollendorf and J. A. Marlett. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The three objectives of this research were to: 1) compare dietary fiber data from the AOAC and Uppsala methods of analysis for 19 home-prepared (HP) baked products (and the nine ingredients used) and 11 commercial products; 2) test the hypothesis that fiber content of baked products could be predicted from the fiber content of recipe ingredients; and 3) compare the fiber composition of HP and commercial versions of the same baked product. The AOAC fiber value was usually larger than that measured using the Uppsala method, although data from the two methods were highly correlated. Depending on the ingredients in the product, the fiber value from one method could be predicted from the other with linear regression. In both methods, total dietary fiber content of most baked products was underpredicted by the fiber content of their ingredients. The fiber composition data from the Uppsala method showed that this was primarily due to high Klason lignin values in these products. Baking inconsistently increased the proportion of soluble fiber, limiting the ability to predict soluble and insoluble fiber content from the fiber composition of the ingredients. Dietary fiber content of HP and commercial products differed, probably because of differences in recipe ingredients.