Cereal Chem. 71:183-186 | VIEW
Performance of Cream or Compressed Yeast in Frozen and Nonfrozen Doughs.
P. Gelinas, M. Lagimoniere, and N. Rodrigue. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
When tested in nonfrozen and frozen doughs, the gassing power and freeze-thaw tolerance (rapid freezing without storage period; slow freezing followed by storage for 12 weeks) of eight cream yeasts and eight compressed yeasts obtained from two commercial sources varied significantly according to yeast batch. When tested fresh, gassing power and freeze-thaw tolerance of cream yeasts were equivalent to those of compressed baker's yeasts. Cream yeasts and compressed yeasts had also similar keeping properties, but this factor varied significantly from batch to batch (loss of activity ranging from 1 to 21%). However, storage of yeast batches for three weeks at 4 C did not change their relative freeze-thaw tolerance, as compared to gassing power in the fresh state (no dough pre-fermentation before freezing).