Cereal Chem. 71:189-195 | VIEW
Milling and Baking Quality of 1BL/1RS Translocation Wheats. I. Effects of Genotype and Environment.
D. Fenn, O. M. Lukow, W. Bushuk, and R. M. DePauw. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Seven 1BL/1RS translocation wheats were compared with six control wheats by standard tests used to assess milling and baking quality characteristics. Test weight and 1,000-kernel weight were higher for wheats containing the translocation. The flours of the translocation wheats were of poorer quality, as shown by their lower protein content, weaker dough mixing strength, shorter dough extensibility, higher ratio of extensigraph resistance to extensibility, higher degree of dough stickiness, and lower loaf volume. The translocation had no effect on kernel hardness, flour yield, farinograph absorption, dough development time, or mixograph development time. Growth environment had a marked effect on quality parameters. Group effects (1BL/1RS versus control wheats) were significant for all parameters except kernel hardness, flour yield, falling number, farinograph water absorption, and farinograph and mixograph development time. The group-by-environment interactions were nonsignificant for most of the quality parameters. Wide variations among cultivars or lines for physical, chemical, rheological, and baking characteristics were noted. Not all lines with the 1BL/1RS translocation exhibited a high degree of dough stickiness. Three 1BL/1RS wheats (8416-Q06E, 8417-BJ03A, and 8417-BJ03D) were rated similar in quality to the control wheat Biggar. Accordingly, they would be suitable for registration in the Canada Prairie Spring wheat class. None of the 1BL/1RS wheats had quality characteristics suitable for the Canada Western Red Spring wheat class (i.e., equal in quality to Neepawa). Genetic effects were significant for all quality parameters. Environmental effects were significant for all quality characteristics except remix dough stickiness, kernel hardness, and mixograph band width at 2 min after the peak. Although the genotype-by-environment interactions were significant, they were relatively small in magnitude for most of the quality characteristics. Remix dough stickiness was more highly correlated with quality characteristics than was first mix stage dough stickiness. Breadmaking quality decreased as the degree of remix stickiness increased. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that approximately 62% of the variability in the remix stickiness can be explained by protein content and gluten strength.