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Cereal Chem. 71:220-223   |  VIEW ARTICLE

Protein- and beta-Glucan Enriched Fractions from High-Protein, High beta-Glucan Barleys by Sieving and Air Classification.

Y. V. Wu, A. C. Stringfellow, and G. E. Inglett. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

A commercial, dehulled barley (Portage), a high-protein hulless barley (CI 4362), and a high-protein, high beta-glucan hulless barley (Prowashonupana) were ground, sieved, and air-classified to yield fractions with enriched protein and beta-glucan contents. Sieving of Prowashonupana flour gave low protein shift but good beta-glucan shift values. Air classification of Portage flour resulted in good protein shift and good beta-glucan shift values, whereas air classification of CI 4362 and Prowashonupana flours yielded low protein shift but high beta-glucan shift values. The combined high beta-glucan air-classified fractions (3, 4, and 5) had a yield of 62% of the defatted Prowashonupana flour and a beta-glucan content of 31%. The combined high-protein air-classified fractions (1 and exhaust bag) had a yield of 28% of the defatted Prowashonupana flour and a protein content of 31%. Grinding and air classification of barley flour can result in fractions with enriched beta-glucan and protein contents in good yields.

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