Cereal Chem. 71:227-234 | VIEW
Extrusion Cooking of Corn Meal with Soy Fiber, Salt, and Sugar.
Z. Jin, F. Hsieh, and H. E. Huff. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Soy fiber (0-40%), sugar (0-12%), and salt (0-2%) were mixed with corn meal and extruded with a twin- screw extruder at 150-350 rpm screw speed. The effects of fiber, sugar, salt, and screw speed on extrusion parameters and extrudate properties were studied using a central composite rotatable response surface methodology. Increasing the fiber content raised the product temperature, extruder torque, die pressure, and specific energy. It also resulted in greater axial expansion but less radial expansion in extrudates. The net result was an increase in bulk density. Sugar increased the extrudate bulk density and decreased both axial and radial expansions. An increase in the screw speed raised the product temperature and specific energy but reduced die pressure. Increasing the salt content enhanced the lightness and increased the bulk density of extrudates but had no significant effects on the extrusion processing variables.