Cereal Chem. 71:292-296 | VIEW
Rice Amylose Analysis by Near-Infrared Transmittance Spectroscopy.
C. P. Villareal, N. M. de la Cruz, and B. O. Juliano. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Apparent amylose content (AC) of milled rice is an important index of cooking and eating quality of rice. The standard iodine colorimetric analysis has not given close correspondence among laboratories. Near- infrared transmittance spectroscopy of unground brown rice or milled rice was demonstrated to adequately screen for AC in a breeding program. Calibration of milled rice was more readily transferred to other units than that of brown rice, probably due to interference from bran in brown rice. Amperometric iodine titration of defatted milled rice is proposed as an alternative to colorimetric iodine assay of AC of check samples to be used in the iodine colorimetric assay in place of potato amylose-waxy rice mixtures.