Cereal Chem. 71:297-300 | VIEW
Sponge-and-Dough Bread: Effects of Oxidants on Bread and Oven Rise Properties of a Canadian Red Spring Wheat Patent Flour.
Y. Yamada and K. R. Preston. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effects of increasing levels of azodicarbonamide, ascorbic acid, bromate and L-cystine on the sponge and dough bread and oven rise properties of a Canadian hard red spring wheat patent flour were studied. Loaf volumes and bread scores increased with increasing levels of all oxidants until optimum levels were attained. Amounts of ascorbic acid and L-cystine required to obtain optimum bread properties were higher than those of bromate and azodicarbonamide. The ascorbic acid and L-cystine also showed a wider range of addition over which optimum bread properties could be maintained. No significant differences were evident in bread score among the oxidants, although bromate gave a somewhat (P less than 0.05) higher loaf volume. Maximum oven rise during baking was closely associated with loaf volume and bread scores. Differences in oven rise could be attributed primarily to differences in oven rise time. Rates of oven rise (mm/min) during the first 3 min of baking, when rates were highest, were generally independent of treatment.