Cereal Chem. 71:315-320 | VIEW
Role and Contribution of Starch and Protein Contents and Quality to Texture Profile Analysis of Oriental Noodles.
B.-K. Baik, Z. Czuchajowska, and Y. Pomeranz. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Starch characteristics (swelling power and amylograph values) and protein content and properties (sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation, mixograph, and alveograph values) of 12 flours, including Japanese and Chinese noodle standards, were determined and then related to textural properties of three types of oriental noodles (udon, Cantonese, and instant). Noodle texture was evaluated by texture profile analysis (TPA) using the Instron universal testing machine. High starch swelling power and amylograph peak viscosity and breakdown are prerequisites in production of satisfactory Japanese udon noodles, provided the protein is not excessively high or strong (as in the cv. Klasic). In the other types of oriental noodles, the starch characteristics may not be critical, but protein that is relatively higher or stronger than that in udon is desirable. TPA of noodles, except for adhesiveness, was a sensitive and reproducible objective test for the evaluation of textural properties of oriental noodles. Multivariate analysis of variance of five TPA parameters effectively differentiated between the various wheat flours for production of the three main types of noodles. Both protein content and protein quality parameters were highly correlated with TPA parameters. TPA parameters were more highly and meaningfully correlated with sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation values than they were with protein content. The results suggest that both protein content and protein quality should be considered in the evaluation of suitability of flours for making oriental noodles.