Cereal Chem. 71:321-324 | VIEW
Nutritional Profile of a Fraction from Air-Classified Bran Obtained from a Hard Red Wheat.
G. S. Ranhotra, J. A. Gelroth, B. K. Glaser, and P. V. Reddy. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Pooled coarse and fine bran (12.5% of the kernel weight) from a hard red winter wheat was air-classified to identify a fraction rich in nutrients. Compared to the original bran, the identified fraction (yield 14%) contained more protein (22.1% vs. 14.9%), ash (14.7% vs. 6.9%), fat (6.1% vs. 2.7%), and soluble fiber (5.2% vs. 2.4%), but less total fiber (24.9% vs. 49.2%). This fraction also contained 24% more Ca, 76% more K, 89% more Zn, 107% more Cu, 109% more Fe, 123% more Mg, 142% more P, 44% more riboflavin, 94% more thiamin, and 117% more niacin than the original bran. All essential amino acids were also present in higher amounts (lysine by 44%) in the identified fraction. The protein efficiency ratio of the identified bran fraction measured 1.8 (casein, 2.5), the apparent protein digestibility 82.6% (casein, 90.8%) and the carcass nitrogen retention 43.8% (casein, 57.4%). Because this fraction is low in fiber, it may be more functional for use in bakery foods than the original bran.