Cereal Chem 72:33-37 |
FY Sedimentation Test for Evaluation of Flour Quality of Canadian Wheats.
J. E. Kruger and D. W. Hatcher. Copyright 1995 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The FY sedimentation test is commonly used by manufacturers of steamed and fried noodles as one of their flour quality specifications. The FY sedimentation values of Canadian wheat flours were determined, and some of the factors influencing the test results were examined. FY readings within the first hour for different wheat classes were as predicted on the basis of their relative protein content and strength. In subsequent 2- and 3-hr sedimentation gel volumes, variations in trends existed between the different classes. Canadian Western Red Spring and Red Winter wheat classes increased in sedimentation gel volumes, while the Canadian Prairie Spring and Western Soft White wheat classes decreased. Examination of flours increasing in protein content and dough strength suggested that the latter was associated with the resultant changes in sedimentation volumes with time. Flour extraction rate was also found to have an influence on FY sedimentation values, as the 30% extraction flours' initial readings were all significantly different from those at or above 50 or 60% flour extraction. Effects due to sprout damage were minimal. A minimum two-week aging period after milling was necessary to ensure reproducible discrimination of the sediment interface.