Cereal Chem 72:42-47 |
A Fast Method for Wheat Cultivar Differentiation Using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis.
G. Lookhart and S. Bean. Copyright 1995 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) parameters, including capillary length, inside diameter, buffer, temperature, voltage, and extraction conditions, were studied to reduce analysis time and increase resolution of wheat proteins. Conditions for the shortest analysis time include: capillary inside diameter, 20 micrometers; shortest possible capillary length, 27 cm (20 cm to detector); temperature, 45 C; voltage, 22 kV; and pressure injection for 4 sec (0.25 nL). Three alcohol-water based solvent systems were studied to improve extraction and analysis of gliadins; 30% ethanol-water was optimum. Gliadins were extracted from cultivars representative of hard red winter, hard red spring, and soft wheat classes and separated by CZE. Three separate sets of cultivars that were not differentiable by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 3.1 were differentiated in less than 10 min each by CZE. Cultivars that were closely related (sister lines or intercrossings) were readily differentiated, and cultivars that were not genetically close exhibited quite different CZE patterns.