Cereal Chem 72:53-58 |
Rheological Properties of Dough Made with Starch and Gluten from Several Cereal Sources.
K. E. Petrofsky and R. C. Hoseney Copyright 1995 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The range in moduli for isolated starch and vital gluten doughs showed the existence of starch-gluten or starch-gluten-water interactions in dough. Starches isolated from different wheat cultivars and mixed into dough with a constant gluten, both amount and source, gave large rheological differences. This shows that starch had an active role in determining dough rheological characteristics. Soft wheat and nonwheat starch doughs had higher moduli compared to the hard wheat starch and the control (commercial gluten and starch) doughs, possibly because of greater interaction of the starch with the gluten. The source of gluten also had a significant effect on dough rheology, as indicated by the range of elastic (G') and loss (G") moduli for isolated wheat gluten and commercial starch doughs. Hard wheat gluten doughs had low G' and G" values, indicating a greater extensibility and possibly less starch-gluten interaction. Soft wheat gluten doughs had higher G' and G" values, possibly because of increased starch-gluten interaction.