Cereal Chem 72:233-236 |
A Soup Model Study Comparing Flour Peak Viscosity During Heating and Viscosity of Flour Gels During Reheating.
C. S. Gaines, A. Kassuba, and P. L. Finney. Copyright 1995 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A viscograph was used to study a model soft wheat flour-water gel system that was based on the apparent viscosity of commercial soups when reheated to a serving temperature of 60 C. Unless flours were produced from highly field-sprouted wheats, there was no relationship between the hot paste peak viscosity attained during first heating and the viscosity of the same pastes that were allowed to gel, stored, and were then reheated to serving temperature. Sound, unsprouted flour produced hot paste peak viscosities as low as 57 BU (50 g of flour/450 ml of water) and consistently high reheated gel viscosities. Adding malted flour to the model system, reduced the hot paste peak viscosity much more than it reduced the viscosity of the reheated gels, especially at low levels of malt. The prediction of the viscosity at serving temperature of flour-thickened soups could be better accomplished using direct measurement of alpha-amylase activity or determination of the reheated gel viscosity rather than the viscograph hot paste peak viscosity.