Cereal Chem 72:237-242 |
Volatile Flavor Components of Breads Made from Hard Red Winter Wheat and Hard White Winter Wheat.
C.-Y. Chang, L. M. Seitz, and E. Chambers IV. Copyright 1995 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Volatile components of white pan bread and whole wheat bread made from hard red winter or hard white winter wheat were collected on a Tenax TA trap by dynamic headspace concentration. Bread crumb and crust were studied separately. A total of 74 compounds was separated and identified by gas chromatography- Fourier transform infrared spectrometry-mass spectrometry. Among the compounds that possessed some odor qualities, 11 of them had breadlike odors. Most of the carbonyls and pyrazines were higher in relative quantities in the crust than in the crumb. Many differences were noticed between white pan and whole wheat breads. However, many fewer differences were found between breads made from hard red winter and hard white winter wheats.