Cereal Chem 72:352-355 |
Physicochemical Properties of Calcium-Fortified Rice.
M. H. Lee, N. S. Hettiarachchy, R. W. Mcnew, and R. Gnanasambandam. Copyright 1995 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
U.S. long-grain rough rice, Karen variety, was dehulled, milled, and graded. Milled rice was fortified with calcium by soaking in 3% calcium lactate (solution of rice and calcium lactate 1:0.75, w/v) for 3 hr at ambient temperature, followed by steaming at 10 psi for 10 min and drying to 10-11% moisture. The fortified milled rice and the untreated control contained 134 +/- 2 mg of Ca/100 g of rice and 64 +/- 3 mg of Ca/100 g of rice (dwb), respectively. Calcium- fortified uncooked and cooked rice showed significantly harder and firmer texture than did the untreated control. Furthermore, calcium- fortified rice and water- treated rice showed significant decreases in amylograph gelatinization temperature and peak viscosity. Sensory evaluation data indicated significant decreases in oral tenderness and adhesiveness values for calcium-fortified rice. Calcium- fortified milled rice may find several applications in rice-based food products.