Cereal Chem. 73 (4):483-489 |
Is Wet Gluten Good for Baking? (1).
Z. Czuchajowska (2,3) and B. Paszczyñska (2). (1) Presented at the AACC 79th Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, October 1994. (2) Associate professor and research associate, respectively, Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6376. (3) E-mail: <zuza@wsuvml.csc.wsu.edu> Accepted March 7, 1996. Copyright 1996 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Fresh, refrigerated, frozen, and dry protein concentrates and glutens were evaluated in nonyeasted and yeasted doughs and in breadmaking. All tested samples affected the end-use properties in a comparable manner. The flour fortified by wet gluten showed a water absorption increase of 11-12%. All samples except the protein concentrate obtained from commercial flour prolonged mixing time of the control flour. The dry gluten extended mixing time 56-100%, while wet gluten extended it 11-50%. Freezing of wet gluten reduced mixing time as compared to dry gluten. All protein concentrate and gluten samples increased the height of yeasted doughs by 5.8-6.2 mm per 1% of gluten protein. This increase was not affected by storage. Gluten increased the volume of bread by 45.5-65.0 cm(^3) per 1% of gluten protein. The wet form of gluten gave better response in baking, presumably as the result of good interaction with the endogenous gluten of the low-protein base flour. The effect of storage conditions on gluten functionality depends on protein content and especially on protein quality.