Cereal Chem. 73 (1):99-104 |
Effect of Alpha-Glucosyl Rutin as Improvers for Wheat Dough and Breadmaking.
N. Morita (1,2), K. Nakata (1), Z. Hamauzu (3), and I. Toyosawa (3). (1) University of Osaka Prefecture, College of Agriculture, Sakai, Osaka 593, Japan. (2) Corresponding author. Food Chemistry Laboratory, Dept. of Applied Biological Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture, 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Sakai, Osaka 593, Japan. Fax: (Int 81)+722-52-0341. (3) Mukogawa Women's University, School of Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Nishinomiya 663, Japan. Accepted October 30, 1995. Copyright 1996 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of water-soluble alpha-glucosyl rutin (G-rutin) on some rheological properties of wheat flour dough, on interaction between gluten and starch in dough, and on loaf volume were studied. Addition of G-rutin (200 ppm) increased the loaf volume significantly. Farinograph tests showed that G-rutin decreased the development and stability times. Dough containing a higher amount (1,000 ppm) of G-rutin increased the modulus of elasticity, viscosity coefficient, and relaxation time over that of the control and over that of dough with a lower amount (50 ppm). Combined additions of G-rutin and L-ascorbic acid (AsA, 50 ppm) gave higher values in all parameters tested. Scanning electron microphotography of doughs showed that G-rutin-treated doughs changed somewhat in viscous appearance when compared with the control. There were no changes in the gelatinization temperature or starch enthalpy with the addition of G-rutin to dough. The sulfhydryl content in dough treated with G-rutin was higher than that of the control. The size of gas cells of crumb baked with G-rutin and AsA decreased slightly.