Cereal Chem. 73 (3):317-322 |
Durum Wheat and Pasta
Pasta Containing Regrinds: Effect of High Temperature Drying on Product Quality.
Kexuan Fang (1) and Khalil Khan (1,2). (1) Graduate student and associate professor, respectively, Cereal Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105. (2) Corresponding author. E-mail: <kkhan@prairie.nodak.edu> Accepted January 5, 1996. Copyright 1996 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Low, high, and ultra high temperature dried (LTD, HTD, UTD) pasta regrinds were used at several replacement levels with semolina to produce spaghetti and elbow macaroni. Products were dried at 40 (low), 73 (high), and 90°C (ultra high) and evaluated for quality factors such as color, firmness, cooking loss, and cooked weight. Blending decreased firmness and increased cooking loss. HTD or UTD significantly improved firmness and cooking loss. HTD also improved spaghetti and elbow macaroni color, whereas UTD improved elbow macaroni color but adversely affected spaghetti color. Variation in regrind granulation did not significantly affect the quality of the products. However, the temperature at which regrinds were dried influenced the finished products. Low-temperature regrinds (LTR) produced significantly better firmness of the spaghetti and elbow macaroni and less cooking loss of the elbow macaroni. Increasing the regrind drying temperature slightly improved product color. A sensory panel found spaghetti containing up to 30% HTD regrinds (HTR) acceptable. Also the control and 10 and 20% of LTR were more acceptable than 30% of LTR or 10, 20, or 30% of HTR.