Cereal Chem. 73 (4):424-427 |
Zinc-Supplemented Bread and Its Utilization in Zinc Deficiency.
I. Saldamli (1), H. Köksel (1,2), Ö. Özboy (1), I. Özalp (3), and I. Kiliç (3). (1) Hacettepe University, Food Engineering Department of Faculty of Engineering, Ankara, Turkey. (2) Corresponding author. Fax: 0312 2354314. E-mail: <koksel@eti.cc.hun.edu.tr> (3) Hacettepe University, Pediatric Metabolism and Nutrition Department of Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Accepted March 4, 1996. Copyright 1996 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Zinc acetate supplementation of wheat flour affected the flour's rheological properties and baking quality only at very high zinc addition levels. Sensory properties of breads were acceptable. When zinc-supplemented bread was fed to 7-11 year old school children for three months, significant gains in body weight, serum and leukocyte zinc, and alkaline phosphatase were found.