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DOI: 10.1094/CFW-51-0020 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Whole-Grain Barley for Today’s Health and Wellness Needs

E. A. Arndt. ConAgra Foods, Inc., Omaha, NE. Cereal Foods World 51(1):20-22.

A natural, waxy, hulless variety of barley (Prowashonupana [Sustagrain]) that has a unique macronutrient composition and special health benefits compared with other common cereal grains has been developed through a conventional barley breeding program at Montana State University. Prowashonupana contains at least 30% dietary fiber and <30% starch, which is 2-3 times the fiber and about half the starch compared with other common cereal grains. Approximately half of the fiber is beta-glucan. This high-lysine barley variety also delivers healthy lipids, vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients. Its total antioxidant capacity is 4,600 µmol Trolox equivalents/100 g. Because Prowashonupana is hulless, it can be classified as whole grain in all processed forms. Scientific evidence has linked the consumption of a diet rich in whole-grain foods with reduced risk of coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, certain cancers, and weight maintenance. Studies show that this unique barley variety may provide further health benefits.


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