doi:10.1094/CFW-53-1-0003 |
VIEW ARTICLE Reaffirming the AACC International Vision B. Bruinsma. Cereal Foods World 53(1):3. During the annual meeting in San Antonio the Board of Directors attended nearly every committee, panel, and division meeting. We listened and participated in the ongoing dialogue on how we should move our organization forward to serve the membership. Clearly enthusiasm and belief in the organization has never been higher. As we enter a new year, I feel it is an appropriate time to reiterate some important basic values of AACC International. A core strength of AACC International is our earned reputation for providing scientific integrity to the grains industry. It is essential for the cereal industry that we continue to attract the very best science. We also need to increase opportunities for scientists to have dialogue on key issues. What makes AACC International valuable is that we are truly a diverse cross section of individuals interested in all aspects of cereal science. We have different training and work for a wide variety of employers. While we are not all grain scientists, many members represent a cross section of our industry. AACC International strives to have diverse representation on all committees, panels, and task forces. The society also strives to make the annual meeting and journals the very best place to present and publish scientific research. We also recognize that our student members are our future industry and association leaders. As such, AACC International intends to grow the number of students attending, presenting, and actively participating at our meetings. As we enter a new year, the Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to invite you to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Through your involvement and participation we can continue to move forward and build a stronger association that is relevant to every member.