AACC International AACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-53-2-0063 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Meeting Expectations: Hawaii Prepared to Deliver

B. Bruinsma. Cereal Foods World 53(2):63.

You can’t afford to miss the 2008 AACC International Annual Meeting! This value packed four-day meeting has much to offer. You’ll have a variety of opportunities to stay informed on the latest research developments, current issues, and the newest technologies and products in the grain-science industry. The 2008 meeting focus, Diversity of Grains, is evident in the invited symposia sessions that cover a variety of topics, including advances in cereal processing, case studies of applications in biotech crops, dynamics of health and wellness and the role grains play as functional foods, genetics of cereal quality, sensory perception of texture and flavor, formulating whole grain foods, as well as new strategies for food safety and quality assessment. With the location of the meeting in Honolulu, HI, known as the crossroad of the Pacific Rim, we are anticipating broad international representation in the technical program. If you haven’t already done so, I strongly encourage you to think about presenting your latest research in Honolulu. The call for papers is open until April 15, 2008. All aspects of this meeting, from registration to hotel rates, offer great value. The hotel rates we’ve negotiated are equal to or less than those that were available in 2005. In fact, despite the perception, Honolulu is ranked as less expensive than most major U.S. convention cities. Plan now to come and take part in the 2008 AACC International Annual Meeting, where the latest in grain-based research, education, and networking come together in this beautiful and dynamic environment!


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