doi:10.1094/CFW-53-2-0092 |
VIEW ARTICLE Rejuvenated Approved Methods Technical Committee A. Bridges. Anne Bridges & Associates, Melbourne, Australia. Cereal Foods World 53(2):92-93. The technical committee chairs are planning an exciting year ahead. The last few years have seen much soul searching both inside and outside the committees. At the annual meeting in San Antonio (October 2007), the group said many thanks to Randy Wehling, who had so ably steered all the committees through the last few years and the review process. It’s no surprise that he has required not one but two people to replace him. Paul Wehling, General Mills, has accepted the role of vice chair and yours truly has assumed the chair role. Collectively Paul and I trust we will keep the committees focused on their important role as caretakers of the Approved Methods of AACC International and at the same time look for opportunities to provide a broader technical advisory role to the AACC Intl. membership. Most committees have rejuvenated their vision and methods activities and have added new members. Some committees have rearranged their technology areas and are considering operating as combined groups. A few other committees have chosen to operate in inactive status, although they can be quickly reactivated if a new method or technical need arises. Two committees are looking for expressions of interest from the general membership for new chairs. The first is the Microbiology Committee, where a new chair and members are needed. The Experimental Milling Committee is also seeking a new chair. There is also a new task force (the embryonic phase of forming a new committee) exploring the area of bioactive compounds under the guidance of Elsayad Abdelaal. If you have an interest (or know of someone who may) in any of these areas please let me know at