AACC International AACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-53-2-0099 |  VIEW ARTICLE

CFW Report

The Joint AACC International–ICC Methods Harmonization Project

P. Williams (1), M. G. Lindhauer (2), R. E. Poms (3), R. L. Wehling (4), W. Bergthaller (5), C. S. Gaines (6). (1) PDK Projects Inc., Nanaimo, Canada. (2) Max Rubner Institute—Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Detmold, Germany. (3) ICC, Vienna, Austria. (4) University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. (5) Max Rubner Institute—Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Detmold, Germany (retired). (6) USDA ARS Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory, Wooster, OH (retired). Cereal Foods World 53(2):99-102.

About five years ago, AACC International and the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) agreed to develop a set of methods that would be acceptable by any cereal laboratory for the analysis of constituents and parameters that are frequently tested by cereal laboratories all over the world. Constituents are defined as actual components of grains and derived products, such as protein and moisture. Parameters are defined as factors that contribute to the functionality of cereals and their derived products, such as the gluten index and the sedimentation volume. The development of coordinating the methods involved 1) identifying areas of the individual methods where changes were needed that would make the methods acceptable to all cereal laboratories, and 2) making suggestions for the possible changes. The process has been documented under the joint AACC Intl.–ICC Methods Harmonization Project. This paper describes the methods that were addressed and the main suggestions made for changes.


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