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doi:10.1094/CFW-53-3-0145 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Engineering: On Cooling Boxes and Pallets

L. Levine. Leon Levine & Associates, Albuquerque, NM. Cereal Foods World 53(3):145-146.

This column discusses a problem associated with heat transfer: the cooling of pallets. Because of the pressure to minimize capital expenditures, people are sometimes tempted to pack warm product in cases, palletize the cases, and send the warm pallet and cases to a warehouse for cooling or freezing. The decision to do this is often done without a complete understanding of the consequences of this action. How does this happen? Sometimes, when dealing with a new product, there is only a limited availability of material to perform tests on. Perhaps only a single case of material is available for testing. During the course of setting up a production line, the costs become a concern and someone questions the need for a cooler for individual products or cases. This column provides a solution and a way of measuring the anticipated time it will take to cool a pallet of material.


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