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doi:10.1094/CFW-53-5-0260 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Whole Grains—Issues and Deliberations from the Whole Grain Task Force

J. M. Jones. College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN. Cereal Foods World 53(5):260-264.

This is the first of two articles outlining the work of the Whole Grain Task Force (WGTF) providing an overview of the WGTF's activity to date with the exception of discussions regarding grains where part of the granule is lost in traditional processing. The role of the WGTF is to use science to answer questions that are important for moving the whole grain agenda forward. The article discusses issues with defining "whole grain,” and the categorization of an ingredient or food as a whole grain, issues of recombining, and a proposed amended definition. Furthermore, the article discusses whole grain labeling issues, including various measurements used to determine the amount of whole grain in a product (for example by total weight or percentage, etc.). Other topics discussed include: 100% whole wheat, sprouted grains, ingredient statements, bioactive components and particle size, labeling compliance, and nutrient changes in processing, fortification, and special issues for the WIC foods.


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