AACC International AACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-54-1-0003 |  VIEW ARTICLE


About the "I" in International

M. E. Camire. AACC Intl. President. Cereal Foods World 54(1):3.

Four years ago, our membership approved the name change from the American Association of Cereal Chemists to AACC International. Currently, a little over one-third of our members reside in nations other than the United States. At the 2008 Annual Meeting in Honolulu, HI, (our first outside the continental United States), the Board of Directors began discussing the evolution of membership in a global economy. Can we capitalize on our diversity to advance cereal science? I believe that AACC International can serve as a hub for bringing together researchers from all over the world to solve problems concerning grains.


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