doi:10.1094/CFW-54-4-0151 |
VIEW ARTICLE Moving Forward M. E. Camire. AACC Intl. President. Cereal Foods World 54(4):151. Thus far, the feedback from members regarding the Seven Scientific Initiatives has been very positive. Our Cereal Science Knowledge Database has been redesigned to group presentations according to their respective initiatives. New presentations are added regularly and soon subscribers will be able to catch up on the Cereals&Europe (C&E) Whole Grain Global Summit held in Newcastle, U.K., in March. We realize that both financial and time constraints prohibit some members from attending meetings, so we are working very hard to provide you with information from our own meetings, including the recent Milling and Baking Division meeting in Albuquerque and our annual meeting in Baltimore. Publications are our next area to evolve with the scientific initiatives. Likewise, our bookstore will also advertise our books under their respective initiatives. The Quality of Science Committee, led by Gene Wisakowsky, has provided great leadership in refocusing the association’s scientific endeavors. If you have suggestions regarding the Seven Scientific Initiatives, please contact the committee and let them know your thoughts.