doi:10.1094/CFW-55-6-0301 |
VIEW ARTICLE Second International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages H. Salovaara, J. Loponen, P. Kanerva, S. Luoto, and T. Sontag-Strohm. University of Helsinki, Finland. Cereal Foods World 55(6):301-303. The Second International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages (GF10) was held in Tampere, Finland, from June 8 to June 11. This symposium followed the inaugural event held in Cork, Ireland, in 2007 and collected researchers and industry representatives working in the field of gluten-free foods and cereal foods in particular. The symposium was arranged in cooperation with the local Finnish Coeliac Society, which organized an international fair on gluten-free products and services partly in parallel with the symposium. Some 150 representatives from 25 countries took part in the symposium while more than 2,000 visited the fair. The scope of the GF10 Symposium was gluten-free cereal products and their improvement. With wheat, rye, and barley excluded from the raw material and ingredient supply, many problems arise in the production of staple foods, such as bread, pasta, and beer. The gluten-free cereal food business also involves regulatory issues, safety aspects, and nutritional questions, etc. This review briefly discusses some of the topics handled at the symposium.