And the Winner Is? Granotè—Pineapple & A. L. Dodd and D. Nath de Oliveira. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A. Cereal Foods World 56(1):29-31. A team of two graduate students from the Food Science Institute and the Grain Science Department at Kansas State University (KSU) took top honors at the 2010 AACC International Student Division Product Development Competition. Their product, Granotè, targets consumers looking for an all natural, caffeine-free, high-antioxidant health beverage. This article highlights the innovation process involved in developing this award-winning product. Granotè is a grain tea made from two different red sorghum varieties that have been cracked and roasted to perfection. The sorghum was combined with a dried pineapple and orange fruit mix to appeal to a wide range of consumers. This grain tea meets the dietary and sensory needs of consumers while offering a great alternative to other tea beverages on the market.