Sustainability, Quality, and Health: The Past and Future of Cereal Science – A Report on the 5th Cereals&Europe Spring Meeting The year 2015 has been an important milestone for international cooperation in cereal science. This year has provided members of the cereal science community not only the chance to further expand and share their knowledge in the field, but also an occasion to celebrate the long history of cereal science. AACC International, an association that gathers thousands of experts globally from every possible aspect of cereal science, was established exactly 100 years ago. This anniversary coincides with several other notable celebrations: the 60th birthday of another important cereal association, ICC, and the 10th anniversary of the biennial conference organized by Cereals&Europe, the European Section of AACCI. Thus, in addition to its usual role of bringing together European cereal scientists, the 5th Cereals&Europe Spring Meeting, held in Budapest, Hungary, April 27–29, offered an excellent opportunity to commemorate these events by looking back on the history of cereal science, discussing its current status, and taking a look at future advancements in cereal science. |