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doi:10.1094/CFW-60-6-0284 | VIEW ARTICLE

Profiles in Innovation

Campden BRI: Fiber—An Innovative Approach to Product Development

NicoleMaher1 and CharlesSpeirs

Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, U.K.Corresponding author. Bakery and Cereal Processing Department, Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, GL55 6LD, Gloucestershire, U.K. E-mail: Nicole.Maher@campdenbri.co.uk; Tel: +44 1386 842 153. Cereal Foods World 60(6):284-286.

There is considerable evidence linking poor dietary choices with increased risks of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Foods high in fat or sugar have been targeted as playing a role in the global obesity and diabetes crises, resulting in calls to reduce their levels in popular food products. In contrast, fiber has grown in popularity as a food ingredient due to its association with lower incidences of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer, among others. Studies have found that levels of fat and sugar in baked products, such as cookies and cakes, can be reduced using functional fibers such as alginate and inulin. It also is possible to add up to 20% fiber in bread formulations, although this may have some negative effects on bread quality.

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