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Abstract Submissions Open March 1 - April 17, 2012
Abstract Submission Fee: |
$50.00 US Dollars per abstract submitted (non-refundable) |
Methods of Payment: |
Credit card only |
- NEW this year, every Presenter of an oral or poster abstract must register by August 13, 2012 or the abstract will be withdrawn from the meeting.
Preparing for Abstract Submission
- It is important that you Review the Categories and fields below before using the online submission form.
- If you have any questions or problems with payments, please contact via email aaccmeeting@scisoc.org.
- AACCI Members/Customers, you need to "Login" by your Member/Customer Username and Password.
- If you are a nonmember, you will need to "Create a New Account", input your contact information and establish username and password.
- Proof abstracts to make sure all authors and affiliations were accepted to the online form.
- "Log out" to exit when you have completed your submission or edits.
- A confirmation e-mail is sent to the Presenter once the abstract is submitted online. Look for this e-mail to come from support@themultisoftgroup.com. Check both regular and junk e-mail files in case it is delivered there.
- Author Information
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name/Surname
- Telephone
- E-mail Address
- Affiliation (only company/institution name, city, state or province, country – do not include street addresses or zip codes.)
- One author MUST be designated as the Presenter. (DO NOT enter this individual twice)
- Any additional author(s) must be designated as author(s).
- To add an author complete the fields for contact information then click "Enter/Add Presenter/Authors". Do this for each author and click "Enter/Add Presenter/Authors". When finished click on "Next".
- Preferred presentation type of presentation (select oral or poster)
Specifying a preference between oral and poster presentation type does not guarantee placement in that area.
Oral—An individual may be a presenter of only one oral presentation
- There is a limit of one (1) oral presentation per presenter.
- Oral presentations are allocated 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for discussion).
- Presentation date and time will be announced at a later date.
- All oral technical session slides must be in PowerPoint. You will be contacted by the conference recording company, by e-mail on how to submit your PowerPoint presentation file to the meeting.
Poster—An individual may be a presenter of only two posters
- There is a limit of two (2) poster submissions per presenter.
- Poster presenters are required to be present at their poster during certain time frames throughout the meeting (to be announced).
PosterTalks! In addition to submitting a poster abstract, poster presenters may also choose to participate in PosterTalks, a five-minute/three slide presentation of their poster content, given during the technical presentation sessions at annual meeting. Each participant in PosterTalks will be assigned a meeting room and time, along with other PosterTalk presenters. Included in the room will also be each presenter's poster. Following the presentations, attendees of the session will have time to meet with the individual poster authors, in the same room, to discuss the content of the poster.
PosterTalks is in addition to the poster set-up, viewing, and author time that takes place in the exhibit hall. This concept allows more opportunity for poster authors to share their scientific research and content with meeting attendees. Select “YES” on the submission form if you are interested in participating in PosterTalks. Read the Guidelines for PosterTalks
- Presentation title
- Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns, (e.g., Correlation of wheat protein composition and dough rheological properties to tortilla quality).
- The title is limited to 150 characters including spaces. (Approximately 30 word count.) Registered names and trademarks are not permitted in title.
- Use the following coding for the presentation title to add formatting (italics, superscripts, subscripts, Greek or math symbols).
- Italic words or phrases must be enclosed by the start coding <i> and the stop coding </i>, e.g., <i>words</i>..
- Subscript characters must be enclosed by the start coding <sub> and the stop coding </sub>, e.g., H<sub>2</sub>O..
- Superscript characters must be enclosed by the start coding <sup> and the stop coding </sup>, e.g., E=MC<sup>2</sup>..
- Symbols (Greek, math, etc.) must be spelled out, e.g., Beta.
- Presentation categories
(Select a primary category, as well as an alternate one as a secondary subcategory that best relates to your presentation)
- Biotechnology & Sustainability
- Chemistry & Interactions
- Engineering & Processing
- Food Safety & Regulatory
- Health & Nutrition
- Ingredients & Innovations
- Quality & Analytical Methods
- Abstract text
Read the Technical Requirements and view Sample Abstract.
- The abstract should be in one paragraph.
- DO NOT include within the abstract field the title, any author name(s), or author affiliations.
- Copy the abstract and paste it into the submission form under the “Abstract Copy/Body” field header.
- Use the abstract toolbar to add formatting (italics, superscripts, subscripts, Greek or math symbols). If the symbol is not available, spell it out (e.g., theta).
- Character limit is 1,900 characters including spaces. No extensions on length of abstracts.
- AACC International Student Travel Award
New this Year! Now students can apply for an AACCI Student Travel Award as part of the abstract submission process. Simply, apply by checking the noted box on the submission form. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements for consideration. Awardees will be notified prior to the meeting and will receive their award check at the meeting. (Applicants must be an AACCI student member, submit an accepted abstract, register, and present a poster or oral session during the 2012 annual meeting to be eligible.)
- Awards
If submitting this abstract for an award, please select the appropriate award(s) from the list below:
- Engineering and Processing Best Student Paper (both poster & oral).
- Carbohydrate Division/Megazyme Award (both poster & oral).
- Protein Division Best Student Paper Award (both poster & oral).
- Rheology Division Isydore Hlynka Best Student Paper (both poster & oral).
- Texture Technologies Quality Research Award (both poster & oral).
- Publication
- AACC International reserves the right to publish the accepted abstracts in the AACC International Annual Meeting Program book, in Cereal Foods World, Cereal Chemistry, on AACCnet, or any combination thereof in print and online. Presentations should not have been published prior to the meeting.
- Authors of technical research presentations as well as symposia presenters are encouraged to submit their presentations for consideration in AACC International's publications – Cereal Chemistry, Cereal Foods World or CFW Plexus. As soon as possible after the Annual Meeting, authors should visit the Publications Page on the AACCI Website to submit their manuscripts to Cereal Chemistry or CFW Plexus. To submit an article to Cereal Foods World or a presentation to CFW Plexus, contact Jody Grider at jgrider@scisoc.org. Contact the AACC International Publications Office at +1.651.454.7250 for further information.
Technical Requirements
Use all normal upper- and lowercase alphanumericas and common punctuation available on your keyboard. Use a common text such as Times, Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Courier.
- Abstract title: Italic words or phrases must be enclosed by the start coding <i> and the stop coding </i>, e.g., <i>words</i>. Subscript characters must be enclosed by the start coding <sub> and the stop coding </sub>, e.g., H<sub>2</sub>O. Superscript character(s) must be enclosed by the start coding <sup> and the stop coding </sup>, e.g., E=MC<sup>2</sup>. All symbols (Greek, math, etc.) must be spelled out.
- Abstract body: Italic words or phrases, superscript and subscript characters, and symbols (Greek, math, etc.) can be correctly formatted by clicking the respective icon in the toolbar. If the symbol is not available, please spell it out, e.g., alpha.
Sample Abstract
Protein composition and dough rheology of 15 wheat lines were studied. Total protein content and the ratio of polymeric to monomeric proteins (pk1/pk2) in SE-HPLC chromatograms of SDS extracts were correlated with tortilla rollability scores (TRS) (R2 of 0.51 and 0.59, respectively). However, the amounts of insoluble and soluble proteins were not significantly correlated to TRS. Stress relaxation (SR) and dough extensibility (DE) tests were conducted using a texture analyzer (TA). Consistent results were obtained at 10% strain level for doughs mixed for 5 min. Maximum resistance (Rmax) to extension during DE test and k2 (a measure of elasticity) during SR test correlated well with 12th day TRS (R2 of 0.55 and 0.48, respectively). Poor-quality dough was less elastic with lower k2 values. The extensibility (Ext) of dough was correlated significantly with the pk1/pk2 ratio (R2 of 0.64), indicating a good relationship between molecular composition of proteins and rheological property of the dough. Multivariate analysis of protein and dough characteristics showed that a combination of Ext, relaxation time and the pk1/pk2 ratio had a highly significant correlation (R2 = 0.94) with TRS. Go to online submission form