Call for Papers Overview/Criteria for Acceptance
Abstract Submissions Open March 1 – April 17, 2012
The 2012 Annual Meeting Program Planning Team will solicit papers and poster submissions for the meeting in Hollywood, FL beginning March 1, 2012. The technical program is being planned to provide the latest scientific information and technologies.
NOTE: Early submissions are encouraged to avoid delays on the last day.
AACCI will NOT be editing abstract submissions, so please remember to fully edit and carefully proof your content before submitting.
- NEW this year, every Presenter of an oral or poster abstract must register by August 13, 2012 or the abstract is withdrawn from the meeting.
- An individual may be a presenter of only one (1) oral presentation and two (2) poster submissions.
- If your abstract is accepted, you must be present at the meeting.
- READ Submission Instructions before submitting abstract.
- Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed June 2012 to the presenting author only.
Criteria for acceptance of presentations for the AACC International Annual Meeting per the Program Committee are based on an anonymous peer-review process with the same requirements used for AACCI scientific publications (i.e. Cereal Chemistry).
The reviewers look for the consistency between the:
- Justification
- Objective
- Materials and methods
- Results and conclusions
In case of an overview presentation, reviewers look for
- Added value
- Novelty of the information presented
In addition, the reviewers consider the following elements:
- Soundness
- Importance to advancement of cereal science
- Timeliness of the subject matter
- Clarity of the presentation
Use of company names is prohibited in titles of presentations, except for supplier sessions. Use of company name in titles will relegate the presentation to the supplier sessions. Use of registered or proprietary names or trademarks of ingredients, instruments or other items is similarly discouraged in titles except when the name is so intimately connected with a particular process as to be synonymous with the method and results. Abstracts should minimize use of proprietary nomenclature or company name as well.