A Recap of the 14th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists workshop
April 15-17, 2015 • Copenhagen, Denmark
The 14th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop has just ended and has delivered once again a great platform for young cereal scientists to share the latest research subjects from leading European Universities. Hosted by the University of Copenhagen, this year, the workshop was introduced by the distinguished Professor Lars Munck with an inspirational keynote lecture on sustainable grain production and utilization.
Fourty three attendees including PhD students, Post-Docs and industry delegates have been greeted by the University of Copenhagen led by Associate Professor Åse Solvej Hansen.
Thirty two presentations from student participants discussed the latest research in a variety of subjects from crop quality, cereal components and nutrition, analytical techniques, enzyme applications and new product developments. The workshop was also complemented by a visit at the Novozyme test bakery centre where developed enzyme applications were illustrated.
The closing session presented subjects of sensory research with another inspiring keynote on research application into gastronomy by Professor Jorge Ruiz Carrascal.
In order to encourage graduate research in cereal science, Cereals&Europe has offered two awards for the best oral presentations :
- the gold prize went to Nore Struyf from KU Leuven
- the silver prize was awarded to Anja Brøgger from Nottingham University.
Once again C&E offered a great networking opportunity for the young cereal scientists in Europe through the 14th European young cereal scientists and technologists workshop (EYCSTW). The location of the next EYCSTW for 2016 will be announced soon in one of the coming AACC News Capsules !
The Department of Food Science is internationally recognized for its excellent food research and education, its impact for consumers and industry and its contribution to solving global challenges. The research ranges from food chemistry, food microbiology, food analysis, technological functionality, food processing, and exploratory data analysis to gastronomy, sensory quality and consumer perception.
The department has around 200 employees including 65 Ph.D. students. The food education programmes include food production, food safety, food quality and food processing technology with 550 students engaged on the bachelor and master levels.

View from central Copenhagen Frederiksberg Campus, University of Copenhagen
Organizing committee
- Peter Weegels, Chair of Cereals&Europe, Sonneveld, Netherlands
- Frédéric Auger, Board member of Cereals&Europe, CSM, Germany
- Åse Solvej Hansen, Board member of Cereals&Europe, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Mette Holse, Post doc, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen
- Birthe Møller Jespersen, Associate professor, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen
- Aboubakry Diallo, Board member of Cereals&Europe, University of Nottingham, UK