April 15-17, 2019
San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy
>> Call for Abstracts
Cereals&Europe, in collaboration with the University of Camerino, is calling for abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations at the 18th EYCSTW.
Make plans now to join the vibrant cereal science community between April 15-17, 2019 to present your work, network with peers and learn from industry experts. This year, the workshop will be hosted by the University of Camerino-UNICAM, which is one the oldest Italian universities.
The European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (EYCSTW) is designed to include subject categories such as, but not limited to cereal processing, product quality, analytical techniques, sensory, nutrition and health and novel specialist ingredients.
The EYCSTW is a platform for young research scientists to exchange with their peers on the latest research in cereal and grains sciences. We encourage young research scientists (PhD students and Post Docs) to submit an abstract for their planned contribution.
Over the years, the success of the event has been built around a balance between educational sessions and social/networking opportunities.
Oral presentations will be organized in a series of subjects related to cereals and grains, including keynote lectures from senior speakers as well as factory visits and social events.
>> Abstracts are due by March 30 (Extended from 3/17)
Abstracts should be sent to cerealsandeurope@scisoc.org and fatma.boukid@unipr.it on Cc. (An example abstract model is provided for your reference, please submit your abstract in same format.)
>> Registration forms are due by March 24
Download the registration form.
Registration fees will be 250€ for C&E members or 275€ for non-C&E members (includes 1-year membership to C&E), and covers accommodation, transport during event, book of abstracts, meals and social events.
>> Workshop Program:
Download the program information here.
>> Travel Information:
Download travel info here.
The Host institution
The University of Camerino (UNICAM) seven centuries after its foundation remains young in spirit and continues to make major contributions to the economic, social and cultural life of the town and its region. UNICAM was the first university in Italy to introduce quality control procedures in its institutional activities according to the international norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 by the French certifying company GROUPE AFAQ.
UNICAM is an international university, where percentage of international students coming from 56 different countries has reached 11%, which higher than the national average by more than three times. Bachelor and Master courses held in English as well as Doctoral courses. UNICAM boasts of building structures and equipment in continual development: teaching and scientific libraries and a large number of research laboratories, modern sports facilities, dormitories for over 800 places, student services and facilities. UNICAM consists of 5 University Schools (Architecture and Design, Bioscience and Veterinary Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Science and Technology) and 4 campuses (Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, Matelica, San Benedetto del Tronto).

Polo San Benedetto
Organizing committee
- Peter Weegels, Chair of Cereals&Europe, Sonneveld, Netherlands
- Frédéric Auger, Board member of Cereals&Europe, Lesaffre, France
- Aboubakry Diallo, Board member of Cereals&Europe, Horizon Proteins, UK
- Elena Vittadini, Professor of Food Science and Technology, University of Camerino, Italy
- Filippo Cocchioni, Member of technical-administrative staff, University of Camerino, Italy
- Fatma Boukid, Student board member of Cereals&Europe, University of Parma, Italy