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Physical and Chemical Attributes and Consumer Acceptance of Sugar-Snap Cookies Containing Naturally Occurring Antioxidants1

May 1997 Volume 74 Number 3
Pages 281 — 283
D. K. Hix , 2 C. F. Klopfenstein , 2 , 3 and C. E. Walker 2

Published as contribution 95-373-J, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Grain Science and Industry, Shellenberger Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2201. Corresponding author. E-mail: cfk@gizmit.wheat.ksu.edu

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Accepted January 15, 1997.

The antioxidant compounds, ascorbate (ascorbyl-2-phosphate), α-tocopherol, a combination of ascorbate and α-tocopherol, sodium phytate, and ferulic acid were tested as replacements for butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) in preserving sugar-snap cookies. The cookies were compared with regard to shelf life, moisture content, width, stacking height, surface score, color, and texture. Following storage at 60°C, the Schaal oven test and gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of headspace gases indicated that ferulic acid and sodium phytate were suitable antioxidants for sugarsnap cookies. At present, sodium phytate is a GRAS substance, whereas ferulic acid is not. Consumer testing showed that cookies containing phytate were as acceptable as those containing BHA.

© 1997 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.