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Innovative Traditional Italian Durum Wheat Breads: Influence of Yeast and Gluten on Performance of Sourdough Moddizzosu Breads

May 2010 Volume 87 Number 3
Pages 204 — 213
Costantino Fadda,1 Eva María Santos,2 Antonio Piga,1 and Concha Collar2,3

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali Agrarie e Biotecnologie Agro-Alimentari, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Viale Italia 39/A, 07100 Sassari, Italy. Cereal Group, Food Science Department, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (CSIC), PO Box 73, Burjassot – 46100, Valencia, Spain. Corresponding author. Phone: +34 963-9000022. Fax: +34 963-636301. E-mail: ccollar@iata.csic.es

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Accepted January 18, 2010.

This research investigated the impact of semolina dough formulation (percentage of sourdough [SD] addition and presence of yeast [Y] or common wheat gluten [G]) added singly and in combination on the sensory and physicochemical profiles of fresh and stored sourdough-started durum breads, particularly Moddizzosu type. Main distinctive features of breads were identified, and optimal amounts of SD addition in presence of either yeast or gluten were used to achieve high-quality fresh and stored soured durum breads made with semolina and remilled semolina at a ratio of 80:20. Common features of durum breads included color parameters and crumb grain characteristics of either fresh or stored samples. Increasing SD significantly increased scores for overall acceptability. In yeasted costarted samples, a linear promotion of both aroma and taste intensity resulted from increasing amounts of SD, whereas the opposite trend was observed for unyeasted breads. Higher values for degree of acidification, specific volume, crumb cohesiveness, resilience, and springiness but lower pH, moisture content, crumb hardness, and chewiness in durum samples were achieved with increased SD. The presence of Y counteracted acidification, harmonized volume increase, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and resilience, minimizing the effects of the SD added. Y and G acting singly as crumb softeners when added together to soured durum breads started with SD at a dose >10% provided lower and slower crumb firming kinetics. Breads with especially slow retrogradation kinetics corresponded to yeasted started samples with or without added gluten, regardless the presence or absence of SD. In unyeasted soured breads, the dose of SD slightly decreased the rate and extent of amylopectin retrogradation, irrespective of gluten addition.

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