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Effect of Cross-Linked Resistant Starch on Wheat Tortilla Quality

May 2010 Volume 87 Number 3
Pages 221 — 225
J. N. Alviola,1 T. Jondiko,1 and J. M. Awika1,2

Cereal Quality Laboratory, Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2474. Corresponding author. Phone: 979-845-2985. Fax: 979-845-0456. E-mail address: jawika@ag.tamu.edu

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Accepted February 12, 2010.

Resistant starch (RS) ingredients are an attractive option to increase dietary fiber in baked products. This study determined the effect of two forms of cross-linked and pregelatinized cross-linked RS, Fibersym-RW (Fsym) or FiberRite-RW (FRite), respectively, from wheat on dough and tortilla quality and acceptability. Refined wheat tortillas with 0% (control) to 15% RS (flour basis) were made using a standard baking process. Tortillas with 100% whole white wheat were also made. Physical and rheological properties of dough and tortillas, and sensory profile of tortillas were evaluated. Dough with whole wheat and 15% FRite were significantly harder and less extensible than the control dough; this was related to high water absorption of these doughs. Tortillas with whole wheat and 10–15% FRite were less puffed and denser than the control; however these levels of FRite significantly increased tortilla weight (by up to 6.2%). Dough and tortillas with Fsym were comparable to the control. Dietary fiber (g/100 g, db) increased from 2.8 ± 0.3 in control to 14.3 ± 0.5 and 13.6 ± 0.5 in 15% Fsym and 15% FRite tortillas, respectively. Tortillas with whole wheat were less acceptable than the control in appearance, flavor, and texture, while tortillas with 15% Fsym had higher overall acceptability than the control. Incorporation of 15% cross-linked wheat RS to increase tortilla dietary fiber is feasible without negatively affecting dough handling and tortilla quality.

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