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Selected Factors Affecting Crude Oil Analysis of Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) as Compared with Milled Corn

May 2010 Volume 87 Number 3
Pages 243 — 249
KeShun Liu1

National Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit, USDA-ARS, 1691 S. 2700 West Aberdeen, ID 83210. Phone: (208) 397-4162. Fax: (208) 397-4165. E-mail: Keshun.Liu@ars.usda.gov

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Accepted May 3, 2010.

With increasing production of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), both fuel ethanol and animal feed industries are demanding standardized protocols for characterizing quality. AOCS Approved Procedure (Am 5-04) was used for measuring crude oil content in milled corn and resulting DDGS. Selected factors, including sample type (milled corn, DDGS), sample origin (ethanol plant 1, 2, 3), sample particle size (original matrix, <0.71 mm, <0.50 mm mesh opening; the last two materials were obtained by grinding and sieving), solvent type (petroleum ether, hexane), extraction time (30, 60 min), and postextraction drying time (30, 60 min) were investigated by a complete factorial design. For milled corn, only sample origin and extraction time had significant effects (P < 0.05) on crude oil values measured, but for DDGS, besides those two factors, sample particle size, solvent type, and drying time also had significant effects. Among them, the particle size of DDGS had the most effect. On average, measured oil content in DDGS ranged from 11.11% (original matrix) to 12.12% (<0.71 mm) and to 12.55% (<0.50 mm). For measuring the crude oil content of DDGS, particle size reduction, 60 min of extraction, and 60 min of drying are recommended. Regardless of the underlining factors, the method was very repeatable (standard errors <0.05). The observed particle size effect on crude oil analysis of DDGS suggests the need for similar confirmations using other analytical methods.

This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. AACC International, Inc., 2010.