Cereals & Grains Association
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References Series

Breakfast Cereals and How They are Made, Second Edition

Editors: Robert B. Fast and Elwood F. Caldwell
ISBN: 978-1-891127-15-1​​

Gliadin and Glutenin: The Unique Balance of Wheat Quality

Editors: Colin Wrigley, Ferenc Békés, and Walter Bushuk
ISBN: 978-1-891127-51-9

The Science of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages

Editors: Elke K. Arendt and Fabio Dal Bello
ISBN: 978-1-891127-67-0

Wheat Flour Milling, Second Edition

Authors: Elieser S. Posner and Arthur N. Hibbs
ISBN: 978-1-891127-40-3