DisplayTitle July-August
Issue 63 (4)
The health-promoting roles of wheat in the prevention of chronic diseases are described, as well as several wheat-related disorders, including celiacs disease. Several breeding strategies are elaborated and evaluated. Agricultural side-streams have the potential to be sustainable sources of healthy proteins, fibers, and bioactive compounds. Novel processing methods are needed to create healthy and palatable ingredients from agricultural side-streams.
Contrary to popular views food processing enables production of a healthy, sustainable, and safe food supply. This issue of Cereal Foods World explores a wide spectrum of processing levers that can be used to create healthier cereal grain products.
It is hard to imagine a world without snack and convenience foods, as these foods have been key sales drivers in the food industry for decades. Future trends indicate that eating on the go, replacing meals with snacks, and minimizing meal preparation... To create a layer cake, a high-ratio cake formula is used. The production of a high-ratio cake with acceptable volume, fine and homogenous crumb structure, and firm, resilient, and moist crumb typically requires use of chlorinated or bleached flour... How has obesity become such a global epidemic? Gaining weight results from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Development of processed foodstuffs that contain fewer calories could potentially reduce the amount of calories... Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should follow a very strict diet that is low in fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAPs), which are small, osmotically active molecules that are poorly absorbed in the... In recent decades, the role of starch in foods has expanded from that of an energy source to a food texturizer, and, most recently, to a health-promoting ingredient. The texture of a food depends on the properties of the starches present, as well as... The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of carbohydrate quality that is supported by many international health organizations for the management of chronic diseases and is included on food labels in several different countries to help consumers make... Glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) were proposed in the 1980s as ways to measure carbohydrate quality. Despite extensive research, findings published in the literature are inconsistent with respect to most health outcomes.
AACC International members each have their own story. “Spotlights” is a series of individual and institutional member interviews capturing the unique stories of our many volunteers and their journeys with AACCI. AACC International members each have their own story. “Spotlights” is a series of individual and institutional member interviews capturing the unique stories of our many volunteers and their journeys with AACCI.
At Cereals & Grains 18, attendees connected with leaders from academia, government, and industry in a targeted, themed format. The meeting provided insights, observations, and discussions on cereal grain science, from field to fork. The 17th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop was hosted by Warsaw University of Life Sciences from April 18 to 20, 2018, in the European “Phoenix city,” Warsaw, Poland, drawing young scientists from around Europe. Thank you to all our corporate members, who contribute their knowledge, expertise, and professional involvement to ensure the continued strength of the association and to promote excellence in cereal grain science worldwide.